
The summit will have two sessions with a short break in between. In the first session, Research & Policy Director Preston Parish will facilitate a panel discussion with our policy analysts about how their areas of work contribute to our vision for economic justice and what policies are on the horizon. Senior Fellow Andy Nicholas will share about what’s next for revenue, Senior Policy Analyst Evan Walker will discuss fines and fees, Senior Policy Analyst Tracy Yeung will talk about Baby Bonds, and Campaign Manager Emily Vyhnanek will share about her work with coalitions.  

Following the panel, we will move into an audience discussion in which we invite you to engage with each other and our panelists to bridge the gap between the intricacies of public policy and actionable steps we can take today. What opportunities exist for economic justice at the local level? Which aspects of the panel discussion resonate with us on a personal level? How can we translate what we’ve learned into our everyday work, lives, and relationships? 

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